Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sorry ):

So, I went to a friends party tonight, where we watched the notebook -
(please note this photo does not belong to me.)

Needless to say, I cried, alot. I mean, come on, you'd have to be HEARTLESS to not cry when you saw this movie!...And I think everyboy in the world should watch this, and build a white house on the lake, with blue shutters, and a painting room over looking the lake, with a porch all around the house.
Anyways, so while I was watching the Notebook I lost count of time and forgot to call my parents to tell them I would be late, and they got really worried.
I just want to say that I'm really sorry mom and dad and that it will never ever happen again. And thanks for always thinking about me and my saftey.
I love you 


  1. hello mckenna.
    please become one of my followers or else...

  2. Omg, I LOVED the notebook!!!!
    Its like my fave movie.

    Btw, this is Christine =P
